The Real Skinny on Detoxification
Thursday August 1, 2019

Pathogens and Accumulating Pathogen Load Detoxification Going through a detox or cleanse has become a common, almost trendy, aspect of our diet and a popular wellness technique. For the most part, people understand that a detox is removing toxins from their body even if they dont understand entirely what that looks like or how it works or even why its important. The benefits of a good detox are quickly apparent as participants report that they feel better, have more energy, can access greater mental focus and their sleep improves. ... Read More
Toxicity Within Our Food
Monday July 1, 2019

The culture of food and nutrition in the United States has changed drastically since the 1950s. Before processed, easily preserved, easy to heat up and eat food options became the norm, humans were accustomed to eating locally grown, organic foods with little to no toxins. The way food is prepared, preserved and shipped today has a huge impact on our health and wellness. Convenience has become more important than nutrition. Profits have become more relevant than the physical impacts of the food we consume. Is Your Food Toxic? ... Read More
The (Weight) Struggle is Real
Monday June 3, 2019

Summer is here, and so is the struggle to get into shape for all of those fun outdoor parties with friends and family. But, it can seem that the very activities youll want to enjoy will sidetrack your efforts for staying fit and healthy. While the desire to look your best is often a motivating factor, it is important to remember that your weight is only a number and a single data point when considering your overall health and vitality. I have been there my friend, worrying about how I would look in a swimsuit for a Mexican vacation was the... Read More
The Second Brain, AKA The Gut
Wednesday May 1, 2019

For years, weve known the systems of the body are all interconnected. One system can cause drastic changes in another. But what has only recently come to light is the dramatic connection between a persons brain and stomach. For instance, we have known that serotonin, a neurotransmitter produced in the brain, is responsible for regulating your sleep and also for producing feelings of happiness. But what is just being realized is that these same neurotransmitters are produced in the gut as well. Lets take a look at how these two areas... Read More
The Key Between Stress and Adrenal Fatigue
Monday April 1, 2019

Todays lifestyles seem to have us running at 100 mph without slowing down. Work, family, kids, relationships, schoolits a recipe for burn-out and leaves us no time for ourselves. But if you do everything right by eating properly, getting plenty of sleep, and exercising, only to find that you are still dragging each day, then there may be something else wrong. Adrenal fatigue may be the culprit. What is adrenal fatigue and how does it relate to stress? Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms Naturopathic doctor James Wilson first diagnosed... Read More
How the Glycemic Index Impacts Your Health
Monday March 4, 2019

Literally thousands of articles are on the Internet claiming to have the ONE answer or tip for how to improve your health through diet. And if youre like me, youve probably seen every fad diet that has come throughAtkins, Keto, Paleo, and Mediterranean. (Not to mention the Cabbage Soup Diet, which I actually tried over twenty years ago!) There are several issues with these trendy diets, but the most important problem is that each person is different. How an individual processes different types of food isnt identical to another person. ... Read More
Healthy Eating During the Holidays
Friday November 30, 2018

Here are fivestrategies to make sure the holiday festivities dont sabotage your healthy eating. Host the Party The best way to influence the menu options is to be the hostess with the mostest and provide healthier versions of seasonal favorites. Make sure to test your new recipes as some can be tricky to master and may require some experience to ensure they are both tasty and healthy. Excellent recipes can be found online using alternative diet plans. You also may want to research the subscription menu-planning site,... Read More
Top 5 Reasons We Struggle to Lose Weight
Wednesday October 10, 2018

Top 5 Reasons We Struggle to Lose Weight Many people get confused and frustrated when trying to lose weight. The simplistic energy balance model (just burn more calories than you consume) does not take many important factors into consideration. I have heard many times from clients that even though they are overweight, they really dont eat that much and they dont understand why they are not losing weight. Unless an individual has: A perfectly proportioned meal plan of wholesome, organic foods as close to their natural state... Read More
The Hidden Culprit Underlying Your Health Issues
Monday September 18, 2017

The Hidden Culprit Underlying Your Health Issues I want 30 seconds of your life to potentially transform your health forever. How? Simply take the following health quiz. Do you struggle with even ONE of the following symptoms? Chronic Headaches Impaired Digestion Skin Rashes (eczema, hives, etc) Fatigue Getting Sick (Impaired Immunity) Infertility/Miscarriages PCOS, PMS, Hormone Imbalance, Acne Chronic Pain, Arthritis, Inflammation Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia Autoimmune (hashimotos, celiac, etc)... Read More
5 Simple Steps to Stay Healthy This Season
Saturday September 16, 2017

5 Simple Steps to Stay Healthy This Season Don't you just hate wasting your sick days actually being sick? I refuse to let you go down like that - you have way too much light to offer the world to surrender your precious days to the latest virus. Here are 5 simple steps you can take this season to make sure the seasonal crud doesn't drag you down. Sleep. The shorter, cooler days are actually part of the energetic plan. They are meant to help you honor the seasonal flow: autumn is the beginning of a natural cycle of rest and... Read More