Why a Healthy Immune System is Key to Your Overall Health

Wednesday July 1, 2020 comments Tags: Immune System

Why a Healthy Immune System is Key to Your Overall Health

In the past few months, there’s been a focus on physical methods to avoid illness, but not as much focus on building the immune system. Even those of us who do not have compromised immune systems, need to work at keeping our immune system functioning properly. Let’s take a look at a bit of basic information about your immune system, how to boost your immune system naturally, and the difference between allergies and sensitivities that may impact your health. Immune System Basics — The key component... Read More

Being Mindful and Present This Summer

By: Marla Tenney Monday June 1, 2020 comments Tags: mindfulness, being present, summer, meditation, yoga, healthy eating

Being Mindful and Present This Summer

It’s June and many of us are now entering the third month of staying at home as COVID-19 continues to upend our lives. As I have met with clients, both remotely and, just recently, in person, I have heard a common theme of feeling unsettled, blocked, or “stuck”. One way to help combat these feelings is to dedicate yourself to being mindful and present in the current moment and focusing on the things that you are grateful for and which bring you joy. Here are three tools you can use to help you find more peace in... Read More

Focusing On and Enhancing What Serves You

By: Marla Tenney Friday May 1, 2020 comments

Focusing On and Enhancing What Serves You

You've probably heard the saying, often attributed to Albert Einstein, that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So, if it’s important to avoid the things that are not working for you, the opposite is also true. Focus on the things that do work for you. In order to attain your true potential, you need a strategy. It’s time to focus on what DOES work for you, makes you feel good, and to be intentional and create a plan. Here are three areas you may... Read More

Spring Cleaning - Releasing What Isn't Serving You

By: Marla Tenney Wednesday April 1, 2020 comments

Spring Cleaning - Releasing What Isn't Serving You

Wow, what a crazy time we are currently experiencing! I have been contemplating how interesting it is that all this focus on cleaning happens to coincide with the time-honored tradition of Spring Cleaning. Every year during this time, many people across the country begin cleaning out their closets and garages, shaking out the throw rugs, sweeping, vacuuming and other deep cleaning. This year, rather than just shuffling a few things around in the attic or finding a new home for your used Christmas decorations, we are all being super diligent... Read More

The Wellness Connection Between Your Gut & Your Mood

By: Marla Tenney Monday March 2, 2020 comments

The Wellness Connection Between Your Gut & Your Mood

You’ve probably heard the old adage that “the way to someone’s heart is through their stomach.” But did you know that the way to a person’s stomach may actually be through the brain? For several years, researchers have focused on the close connection between your brain and your gut. This goes beyond that feeling of a “gut instinct.” This is actually a health connection that can cause you serious problems if left unchecked. Let’s look at three ways your brain and your gut are... Read More

How Emotions Impact Your Health

By: Marla Tenney Monday February 3, 2020 comments

How Emotions Impact Your Health

For years, experts have maintained there is a direct relationship between emotional well-being and physical health. If you think about major life events—the birth of a new child, the death of a loved one, buying a new home—all of these can lead to changes in your body. Even happy events, such as welcoming a new addition to the family, can increase our blood pressure or cause us to worry. The main thing to do is to understand how your health is impacted by these emotions so we can alleviate their impact. Mind-Body... Read More

The Six Steps to Detoxification

By: Marla Tenney Wednesday January 1, 2020 comments

The Six Steps to Detoxification

Looking forward to feeling better and getting healthier in 2020? You arent the only one. Time Magazine lists both lose weight and get fit and eat healthier and diet in the Top 10 commonly broken New Years Resolutions. It seems that this is the time of year when people really start thinking about how to improve their physical health. While its common to think about diet and exercise first, there is more to a healthy body than just the external processes and habits we use to achieve optimal health. Our bodys internal ecology also plays a... Read More

How to Have Happier, Healthier Holidays

Sunday December 1, 2019 comments Tags: holidays, holiday stress, holiday eating, healthy

How to Have Happier, Healthier Holidays

The holidays are upon us and weve concluded there is a reason so many people make health-conscious resolutions come New Years Day. Its because, after all of the unhealthy activities of the holidays, you need a few weeks to detox your body to get it back on track. It is, however, possible to have a healthier holiday so you dont have to fix things, like your diet and your mental health, when January rolls around. Here are ways you can have a healthier, happier holiday this year; Handling Holiday Stress ... Read More

How to Get Better Zzzzz's - Putting a Stop to Sleep Deficiency

Tuesday October 1, 2019 comments Tags: sleep, sleep deficiency

How to Get Better Zzzzz's - Putting a Stop to Sleep Deficiency

According to a recent study, as many as 1 in every 3 Americans has trouble getting enough sleep . Whether you have trouble getting to sleep or wake up constantly as you toss and turn during the night, sleep deficiencies can affect you negatively. Insufficient sleep can lead to poor digestion, inadequate absorption of nutrients, chronic systemic stress and inflammation. All of these can ultimately lead to chronic, degenerative diseases which have very serious health and quality of life implications. Too many people think the only cure for... Read More

Beat Back-to-School Germs at Their Own Game

Sunday September 1, 2019 comments

Beat Back-to-School Germs at Their Own Game

School is back in session (or getting there for some parts of the country) and the one thing that many moms dread about this, is the number of germs to which their kids are exposed. Runny noses, colds, and flu viruses abound. When your child is exposed to these germs, it puts a strain on your whole family, as it can end up getting passed around from person to person. While many people think this is just a normal part of life, it actually is not supposed to be this way. This year take some time to boost your immune system so you can beat germs... Read More
