The Six Steps to Detoxification

By: Marla Tenney Wednesday January 1, 2020 comments

The Six Steps to Detoxification

Looking forward to feeling better and getting healthier in 2020? You arent the only one. Time Magazine lists both lose weight and get fit and eat healthier and diet in the Top 10 commonly broken New Years Resolutions. It seems that this is the time of year when people really start thinking about how to improve their physical health. While its common to think about diet and exercise first, there is more to a healthy body than just the external processes and habits we use to achieve optimal health. Our bodys internal ecology also plays a... Read More

Kitchari Recipe

By: Marla Tenney Monday December 23, 2019 comments

Kitchari Recipe

Kichari (sometimes spelled kichadi) is an ancient Indian dish that is considered one of the most healing foods in Ayurvedic tradition. It is essentially a combination of rice, lentils, mung beans, healing spices and vegetables. The grains and legumes are soaked and cooked down so well that it is extremely easy on the digestive system, is cleansing and grounding for the entire body, not to mention it makes up a complete protein meal AND is a one pot wonder! Kitchari is chock full of detoxing spices such as ginger, cumin, coriander,... Read More

The Real Skinny on Detoxification

Thursday August 1, 2019 comments Tags: Detox, Pathogens, Detoxification, Liver, Kidneys, Lymph

The Real Skinny on Detoxification

Pathogens and Accumulating Pathogen Load Detoxification Going through a detox or cleanse has become a common, almost trendy, aspect of our diet and a popular wellness technique. For the most part, people understand that a detox is removing toxins from their body even if they dont understand entirely what that looks like or how it works or even why its important. The benefits of a good detox are quickly apparent as participants report that they feel better, have more energy, can access greater mental focus and their sleep improves. ... Read More
